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California Veterans Fee Waiver

Rufus planting a flagGeneral Overview

The California College Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependent waives mandatory system-wide tuition and fees at any California Community College, a California State University, or a University of California campus.  

Basic Eligibility



College Fee Waiver Plan A

  • Veteran must be 100% VA Service Connected
  • Veteran must have served active duty during period of war, (Campaign or Expeditionary medal receipent)
  • Dependent child eligible between 14-27 years of age
  • Spouse of same eligible; no age restrictions
  • Attend a California Community College, California State University, or a University of California school.
  • Must meet California residency requirements as per the schools requirements.
  • Provide proof of the student's relationship to the veteran, such as a copy of a birth, marriage or domestic partnership certificate.
  • Concurrent receipt of VA Chapter 35 is prohibited 
  • Must be a UC matriculated student.  It does not apply to non-UC matriculated students taking courses during summer sessions.


College Fee Waiver Plan B (Most Common)

  • Veteran is eligible to use at must 0% VA Service Connected
  • Dependent chold of Veteran is eligible only; not spouse
  • Dependent child's income may not exceed National Poverty Level (2024 - $21,561)
  • Value of support provided by Veteran parent + child's income may not exceed annual income limit (NPL)
  • Attend a California Community College, California State University, or a University of California school.
  • Must meet California residency requirements as per the schools requirements.
  • Provide proof of the student's relationship to the veteran, such as a copy of a birth, marriage or domestic partnership certificate.
  • May be used concurrent with VA Education Benefit Chapter 35 
  • No age limit, no time limit
  • Must be a UC matriculated student.  It does not apply to non-UC matriculated students taking courses during summer session


How to Apply

  • All paperwork is completed by County Veteran Affairs office.  The application is available here
  • Paperwork is not accepted until the end of each tax season, (May/June).  Paperwork must be completed annually.
  • Applicants myst make an appointment to at the County Veteran Affairs Office to complete paperwork; Paperwork may not just be mailed in or submitted to CVSO.
  • Paperwork may be submitted to any County Veteran Service Office in CA.  It does not have to be submitted near the home of residence of the student, not near the University.
  • CVSO staff will review paperwork with Veteran and dependent and issue an approval letter to the dependent.
  • Dependent will need to submit approval/award code letter you receive from the County VA Office to UC Merced's Veteran Certifying Official at  It is recommended that you apply for benefits and submit your award letter in a timely manner to have your fees waived before the initial fee payment deadline.



The California Veterans Fee Waiver ONLY covers tuition and student service fee.  This program does not cover:

  • Campus-based fees
  • Housing, books, parking or food
  • Health insurance costs
  • Non-resident supplemental tuition
  • Self-supporting programs, including the Teacher Preparation Program (TPP) and B.A. in Managment of Innovation, Sustainability & Technology (MIST)


The California Veteran Fee Waiver is only valid for the academic year stated on the approval letter. An academic year goes from Fall semester through the following Summer semester. For example, an approved letter for the 2023-2024 academic year will cover Fall 2023, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024. The student needs to re-apply each academic year through their local county Veterans Affairs office in order to maintain entitement and it is the responsibility of the student to provide evidence of eligibility for benefits each academic year.    

 *Students whose parents are rated less than 100 percent by the Department of Veteran Affairs or who are also receiving Chapter 35 educational benefits, must turn in their previous years tax return or a letter from the Internal Revenue Service stating they were not required to file federal income taxes.

**Please be aware that the Financial Aid Office will coordinate your Cal Vet Fee Waiver with any other financial aid offered to ensure there are no conflicts with aid specifically designated to cover tuition and fees (e.g., Cal Grant) or impacts other need-based aid (e.g., Bobcat Grant). If you have already been awarded another tuition and fee-paying award your Cal Vet Fee Waiver will not be applied to your billing account. If you have questions, please contact our Students First Center by calling (209) 228-7178 or online at